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Welcome to Baker Street


In this beautiful 19th century environment, countless treasures are hidden that the demented Mrs. Hudson has accumulated during a long and adventurous life. Isn't it time she was relieved a little of this worldly burden? Team up with Pip, Baker Street's dodgy newsboy, to sneak into the house unnoticed by Housemaster Parker and collect as many of the valuables as you can!

Crazy Hudson is certainly no ordinary landlady, but she has hidden her jewelry and valuables in the most clever places. That she then guards them with her ex-husband's gun... Best to sneak in while she's sleeping!

Step into a completely different world—an authentic 19th-century setting that hides devious characters, clever challenges, and a period speakeasy after-hours bar.

Unlike other Escape Rooms, you can always visit Baker Street again. Come back a few weeks later for revenge and a chance for a higher score.

När ni besöker Baker Street avslutas er upplevelse i vår viktorianska speakeasy-bar. Baren är exklusiv för Baker Street och JACK – ni kommer endast in i baren efter att ni besökt The Landlady eller JACK. Vi rekommenderar varmt att ni avsätter tid efter ert spel så att ni har tid för ett glas eller två i denna förtrollande miljö. Vill ni avnjuta en drink innan ert spel är ni välkomna till vår andra bar, The Sherlock Holmes Cocktail Bar som ligger bara ett stenkast bort.


The experience includes: Sudden sounds, flashing lights and live actors.

The time in the game itself is 60 minutes, however the whole experience with the finish and result distribution in Baker Street's own speakeasy bar is 90 to a maximum of 120 minutes.


395:- per person

Number of players


Time consumption

90-120 min




Östergatan 5



Age limit

You must be at least 18 years old to play The Landlady or 12 years old in adult company.

Kombinera spelen på Baker Street och JACK för gemensam spelstart med upp till 12 spelare och gemensamt avslut i vår Speakeasy bar.

Book your game now!